Got a Question about Carpet Dyeing?

You’ve come to right place!

Q. Can you colour repair Sisal, Sea Grass or Natural Flooring and carpet?

A. The short answer is… Yes, most if the time we can.

Longer answer… However, like anything, there can be limitations. Most natural fibre carpets are highly sensitive to water and, as you may know, can stain or lose colour very easily. This is why cleaning is such a challenge and very limited. By the way, we do not offer a cleaning service for this type of flooring.

However, stains, spills and colour loss can normally be greatly improved saving you LOTS of upheaval and expense of replacing the carpet which can run into the thousands or ten of thousands of pounds.

Q. Is this treatment just for dyeing small areas or could you dye a whole rug if you had a change of decor in your room?

A. Yes you can dye a whole room of carpet or rug. However, for whole room carpet/rug dyeing, they need to be natural fibres like wool, or nylon, or a mix of the two. If you’re not sure what the fibre is, the best way to find out if it can be dyed is to do a small test on the item.

Q. Can I test the carpet myself to see if it’s dyeable?

A. Yes!

Pull a single tuft from the carpet pile, from behind a sofa or large furniture… The easiest way is to grab the tuft with a pair of pliers and gently pull it out. Place the tuft into a bowl of water (near the bottom) and squeeze the air out of the tuft with your fingers. Let go of the tuft and see if it floats or stays at the bottom.

Here’s a simple video to show you what to do:

Q. Is the dye permanent?

A. The dyes are very colour fast, so are permanent and will stand up to professional cleaning etc…

Q. Could it be dyed in my home, or would I have to send it away?

A. Both options are possible.

Q. I heard you can use Dylon or fabric dyes to re-dye a carpet? Can’t I just do it myself?

A. Dylon dyes, hair dyes or house-hold fabric dyes are designed for front loaded washing machines and not for use on carpet and rugs. You will being very frustrated if you try this and will probably ruin your rug.

Q. Doesn’t bleach damage carpet fiber preventing it from being dyed?

A. Bleach can damage some fibres like Wool, but as long as there is enough fibre left in the carpet, we can neutralise the Bleach and successfully re-dye the carpet.

Q. What areas do you cover?

A. We are based in South London and the West Midlands but can travel to most places should the job justify the travel.

Q. How much does it cost?

A. Every job, stain, requirement and carpet colour damage is different, so we price on the merits of the job. We’ll give you a free consultation and test (if we think a test is required) and provide you with a fully written, guaranteed quotation.

Q. Can you get an exact colour match for my carpets?

A. We get as close as we possibly can by mixing and adding the missing colours onsite. There are tens of thousands of colour permutations and even your carpet isn’t the same colour all over. So we aim so to make the damaged bleached area look less obvious, and greatly improved. We cannot guarantee a 100% colour match, sorry.

Q. Can all carpets and spots be repaired or dyed?

A. Unfortunately not. Some carpet fibres are not dyeable and some fibres can get damaged by bleach and stains that damage the dye sites.

The easiest way to find out is doing the following simple test:

Pull a single tuft from the carpet pile, from behind a sofa or large furniture… The easiest way is to grab the tuft with a pair of pliers and gently pull it out. Place the tuft into a bowl of water (near the bottom) and squeeze the air out of the tuft with your fingers. Let go of the tuft and see if it floats or stays at the bottom.

Here’s a simple video to show you what to do:

Q. Sounds great. How do I book?

A. Easy! Just send us a message here and we’ll take it from there.

If you have any further questions about this service please contact us here,